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Life Insurance
Life insurance is primarily designed to protect against financial hardship due to the death of the insured and to provide a legacy for the insured. Life insurance is a vital part of a holistic financial plan. Term, Universal, and Whole Life policies are offered. Issue may be on a guaranteed issue basis, avoiding the need for exams and improving participation.
Most Americans agree that Life Insurance is a responsible and necessary purchase.
Consider the following:
- 85% of consumers agree that most people need life insurance, yet just 62% have it.
- 44% of US housholds had individual life insurance as of 2010 – a 50 year low. In 1960, 72% of Americans owned individual life insurance. In 1992, 55% owned life insurance
Source LIMRA’s Trends in Life Insurance Ownership Study
Source LMRA’s Life Insurance Barmeter Study 2013
- 40% of Americans who have life insurance coverage do not think that they have enough.
Source Genworth LifeJacket Study 2011
- 70% of US households with children under 18 would have trouble meeting everyday living expenses within a few months if a primary wage earner were to die today. 4 in 10 househoulds with children under 18 say they woudl immediately have trouble meeting everyday living expenses.
Source LIMRA Household Trends in US Life Insurance Ownership 2010
Given the above, it is surprising that more Americans are not buying more Life Insurance. Studies suggest that this is because consumers overestimate the cost of life insurance:
- 83% of consumers say they don’t purchase more life insuance because it’s too expensive, but consumers believe life insurance costs nearly 3 times the actual price!
- $400: What most Americans believe a 20 year , $240,000 level term life policy for a healthy 30 year old costs annually – $150: What it would actually cost.
Source LIMRA
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